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Desclasificado: MKUltra

Hoy he estado buscando documentos desclasificados del proyecto 'Mk Ultra'. Para quienes no los conozcan, es un proyecto secreto de control mental, sometiendo a los "sometidos" a un férreo control de su mente, manipulando su información, conocimiento y su forma de ser bajo tratamiento de "medicina exótica" (LSD, Marihuana, etc...).

A continuación pondré imágenes de los documentos desclasificados de dicho proyecto, y para el que no pueda diferenciar las letras por su grosor le pongo el escrito:

Memorandum For: The Record

Subjet : MKULTRA, subproject Nº,  106

1. It is proposed to continue research under MKULTRA subproject No. IUé on studies of biological systems with particular reference to quantifying the relationship between a stimulus and the biological-response to that stimulus. Problems  arising from the difference in excitability and behavioral response among members of an animal population will be analyzed. By means of animal preparations particularly suitable for demoustrating specific functions, evaluations will be made of biological generalizations arising from the use of one species of animal as an experimental variable. A critical review will be maintained of selected foreign literature especially that on the neurophysiclogical mechanism of conditioning and related behavioral research.

[1] function as cut got and cover for this subproject. The necessary research will be conducted by [......] who will submit to the [......] summary accounting of fund at the conclusion of the program. Any [---] funds remaining at the conclusion of the program will be returnded to the [.....]

La imagen de abajo deja claro el coste de estas operaciones y evidentemente deja bien claro para que es utilizado ese capital:

La imagen de abajo es un poco descarada para estos tiempos que corren, en los que los temas de conspiración son temas de conversación muy a menudo.
On december 30, 2001, 2 sent to the NAUTONIER a memorandum seeking his approval for a legislative strategy for digital telephone. The substance of that memorandum is attached. On January 15, 2002, he approved the following course of action:

- Neurocam should go ahead now to seek a legislative fix to the digital telephony problem, and all parties should prepare to follow through on the encryption problem in about a year. Success with digital telephony will lock in one major objetive; we will have a beachhead we can exploit for the encryption fix; and the encryption access options can be devoloped more thoroughly in the meantime.

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